Preparing Children for Their First Dental Exam: How a Kid Friendly Dentist Can Help

Kid Friendly Dentist Medina, NY

Looking for a kid friendly dentist? There are some dental professionals who choose to place focus on making kids feel comfortable about going to the dental office. This makes it a great idea for parents to find a dentist who is kid friendly, as the goal of the dentist is to offer kids a pleasant experience when in need of dental services.

About dental exams

Choosing a kid friendly dentist, especially for a kid's first dental exam, can make the difference between kids being comfortable seeing a dentist and kids developing a case of dental anxiety. Dental exams are performed to protect kids’ oral health, making this type of dental appointment one that needs to be made every single year. Some kids will need to be seen more often. According to the Mayo Clinic, regular dental exams give your kid's dentist a chance to detect problems early, when they are most treatable, and provide tips for caring for your kid's teeth.

How parents can prepare children for a first dental exam

The list below will help parents prepare their kids for the very first dental examination. It is essential for parents to keep a positive attitude, as kids will often mimic their parent's attitudes for any particular situation.

Schedule a pre-appointment tour

Calling a dental office ahead of time to schedule a pre-appointment tour of the dental office will help kids feel more comfortable when they come back for their first exam. This tour should include meeting all of the staff, seeing the dental chair, seeing some of the tools that are used to perform an exam and at least a few minutes of time in which the parents and/or kids can ask questions.

Read dental books to them

A library trip will allow both parents and kids to select a few books that offer a dental theme. Reading these books to kids will help them understand what to expect when going to the dentist, as many kids will not want to go to a dental office simply because they do not know what to expect. Choosing a book that falls within the appropriate age of kids is important so they can understand what is being read to them.

Let them bring a comfort item

Many kids have an emotional support item, with blankets, stuffed animals and certain toys being some of the more popular comfort items. Allowing kids to bring this comfort item with them will help them manage any stress, anxiety or fear they may experience before or during the first exam appointment. Bringing a comfort item should be one of the first suggestions for kids when it is time for them to go to their first dental exam.

Need to make an appointment today?

Is a kid friendly dentist the right choice? It is essential for parents to do everything in their power to make their children feel comfortable once it comes time to go see a dentist, as regular dental appointments are important to good overall oral health. Since a dentist who has experience treating children allows for a more positive dental experience, many parents are choosing this type of dental professional to treat their children.

Are you considering using a kid friendly dentist in the Medina area? Get more information at

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